About Us
Welcome to
Nakha gives the best combination of natural food color, natural food aroma to sustain commemorative moments.
A.AlJaziri family is a business family since 1932, founded by “Hajee A.Ali” when he started at 12 years old. At the same year Bahrain just started to kickoff for new life style, when Oil founded.
Nakha established by the second generation with accumulative experiences of over 80 years; in wholesale & retail, organizing and programming.
Nakha Vision
Shares food cultures experience worldwide.
What we offers? Minimal will provide you support if you have any problems, our support team will reply within a day and we also have detailed documentation.
Farm Services
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Farm Services
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque at pellentesque diam.
Farm Services
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Why choose Nakha
NAKHATM works hard to company all hands who work with ingredients to serve the best food to your beloved one. NAKHATM welcomes your own individual mixing upon your taste by our hands.
12,563 Organic Products
24 Countries
2345 Friendly Farmers
NAKHATM aims to be the trusted destination to the spice world, herbs, nuts, kernel nuts, dates, dehydrated Organic fruits, pickles, grains & pulses, snacks and decorative kitchen accessories.