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Nakha gives the best combination of natural food color, natural food aroma to sustain commemorative moments.


A.AlJaziri family is a business family since 1932, founded by “Hajee A.Ali” when he started at 12 years old. At the same year Bahrain just started to kickoff for new life style, when Oil founded.

Nakha established by the second generation with accumulative experiences of over 80 years; in wholesale & retail, organizing and programming.



NAKHATM started purely food in 2018 with extraordinary vision of mixing spices by the founder’s hands launches the new brand “ NAKHATM” to position itself as well-known brand in an exceptional time.

Nakha Vision

Shares food cultures experience worldwide.

What we offers? Minimal will provide you support if you have any problems, our support team will reply within a day and we also have detailed documentation.

Farm Services

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Farm Services

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Farm Services

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Why choose Nakha

Knowledge is the power of NAKHATM team. Nun-stop research is being conducting daily to find the best for our clients. Organic food is a very crucial responsibility of ours to secure the best sources to our customer.

NAKHATM works hard to company all hands who work with ingredients to serve the best food to your beloved one.  NAKHATM welcomes your own individual mixing upon your taste by our hands. 

12,563 Organic Products

24 Countries

2345 Friendly Farmers

Who love my work

NAKHATM aims to be the trusted destination to the spice world, herbs, nuts, kernel nuts, dates, dehydrated Organic fruits, pickles, grains & pulses, snacks and decorative kitchen accessories.  

It's a very good dashboard and we are really liking the product . We've done some things, like migrate to TS and implementing a react useContext api, to fit our job methodology but the product is one of the best in terms of design and application architecture. The team did a really good job.
Cody Fisher 22 Oct, 2020
Customer support is realy fast and helpful the desgin of this theme is looks amazing also the code is very clean and readble realy good job !
Marvin McKinney 8 Sep, 2020
Got a few questions after purchasing the product. The owner responded very fast and very helpfull. Overall the code is excellent and works very good. 5/5 stars!
Jacob Jones 21 Sep, 2020
CEO of Codealy.io here. We’ve built a developer assessment platform that makes sense - tasks are based on git repositories and run in virtual machines. We automate the pain points - storing candidates code, running it and sharing test results with the whole team, remotely. Bought this template as we need to provide an awesome dashboard for our early customers. I am super happy with purchase. The code is just as good as the design. Thanks!
Bessie Cooper 17 Oct, 2020